Friday, October 22, 2010

"We have it all!"

"We have it all!", originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

I was feeling nostalgic, so I took out my Grandmother's old point and shoot Fuji and ran a roll of cheap drugstore film through it. Horrible optics and bad film lead to fuzzy images with funny color shifts.

The ones I uploaded are all unedited.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

a 2 page sample from the book.

From Flawed Machine.

"There are times in any large group, that the moments of revelry, slide roughly up against moments of vulnerability. Those moments when we find our minds elsewhere, our hearts not in the festivities."

Nouveau Nostalgia's first book

Is now available for pre-order.

I'll be shipping out the first of the basic edition (limited to 20 copies) early next week.
The deluxe edition (with unique print and personalized note, limited to 5 copies) will go out the following week.

$5 plus $3 shipping for the basic.
$8 plus $3 shipping for the deluxe.

Email me for payment options.

Now available to order via Nouveau Nostalgia

Street Photography

This video contains an excellent explanation of why "street photography" is one of my favorite things to shoot.

Matt Stuart on street photography

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I do what I do

Why from the website Permission to Suck

The above is something that resonated with me as of late. I think, by in large I get caught up in the what I do, and I then translate that into presenting a vision of the value in what I do to clients.

Perhaps my thinking on this is backwards. Perhaps, my clients would prefer to know the "why" of what I do. If that's the case, here it is.

I make images because I can't not make images.

As a small child I loved to draw, just like most small children. As I grew older I fell in love with comic books and drew my own single issues. I never stuck with one storyline or one character because to me, the world was too big to stay in one visual and artistic place for too long. I've always been obsessed with exploring the world around me in the form of imagery. I love a bombastic, visual, emotional, spiritual, gut punch of an image. I love the type of image that makes you suck in air sharply, as if you'd been holding your breath your whole life and only now can you properly breath.

That sensation of freedom that one can get from imagery, that's why I make images. There are a million and one things that I will never be able to do or experience in the world. There are a million and one places that I will never go. But imagery can take me there, if not in person, then at least on an emotional level.

I think the value I try to explain to clients is related to this. It's related to what I love about images. While I may push the idea that I think well on my feet, and can solve just about any problem with calm creativity and professionalism, I think maybe that's not why a client should hire me.

Maybe a client should hire me because they to want that sharp intake of breath. They to want that moment of feeling like your lungs can finally fill with air for the first time in your life.

I believe that technical specifications and perfection are not so important in an image as an emotional resonance that can only be achieved by an image maker who holds an unparalleled passion for the act of searching for that explosion of visual freedom.

I make images, because I can't not make images.

I make books because I love a fun little item to hold in my hand. I want something that I can look at again and again and feel the weight of the pages as I turn them.

I write because I can't not write. There are too many ideas and thoughts boiling over in my brain to not put them down as a sort of release valve.

I make images because the world around me is beautiful and sometimes pointing isn't enough.
I make books because the world around me is beautiful and sometimes pointing and taking a picture isn't enough.
I write because the world around me is beautiful and sometimes pointing and taking a picture and printing it out isn't enough.

I do these things, because I can't not do these thing. I am these things.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flawed Machine cover

I've started a tiny book imprint. This is our first project. It's a small book of a body of work I completed in both Spokane, WA and Great Falls, MT. The book is entitled Flawed Machine.

As you can see, we are in the midst of assembling the books. They'll be available for order later in the week.

Flawed Machine pages and tools

I've started a tiny book imprint. This is our first project. It's a small book of a body of work I completed in both Spokane, WA and Great Falls, MT. The book is entitled Flawed Machine.

As you can see, we are in the midst of assembling the books. They'll be available for order later in the week.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

3 color process

3 color process, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

This is an old photograph of Andrea and Pete processed in a new (old) way. It's Nouveau Nostalgia, if you will (

The first color photographs were shot on black and white film. 3 images were shot using red, blue, and green lens filters. They were then combined upon printing to create a color image.

We can do that today. We can even do it from the same image, if shot in raw format. We don't even have to use real life filters. This is a result of that same process done entirely digitally.

I'm a fan of those moments where you are allowed to combine the old and new technology for a unique effect.

I realize the majority of viewers aren't going to notice a difference, but I think often times, we as artists do things simply for ourselves.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Shiloh again

Shiloh again, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Back by popular demand. Another sample of the quick little shoot with Shiloh from the other day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Evening in Downtown Great Falls 3

I don't spend enough time just walking around downtown taking pictures. This fall, I aim to remedy that. If you see a bald guy with a beard wandering around taking pictures, say hi.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Shiloh, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

We had a quick 10-15 minute portrait session with my niece, Shiloh in the front yard. She's a super cute kid and that smile is totally contagious. There were lots of good shots, but these are two of my favorites.