Monday, January 30, 2012

Word Jam is...

Word Jam is..., originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Word Jam is a super fly meeting of the literary performers. Poetry, spoken word, musicians with lyrics, MCs, prose, b.s., truth, etc. Bring your words and jam with us.

All ages, no cover.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

leaning against the encroaching darkness

the moon

the moon, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.


Untitled, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.


Stephanie, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.


Graeme, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Sallie Ford and the Sound Outside


fading, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.


Chris, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Tim Thompson in SPOKE(a)N(e) Mag

Preview of yesterday's shoot with Brittany

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

GOO unedited

GOO unedited, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Halley Gallagher

Halley Gallagher, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

3 Ages

This will be available at the upcoming Electric City Creative silent auction and art party at Machinery Row. Weds. January 25th, 6-9PM. Music, drinks, fun, art, all ages, no cover, many pieces with no minimum bid, live music after the show.

Friday, January 6, 2012


WORD JAM, originally uploaded by Tyson of Habein Studio.

Coming up this Tuesday and every Tuesday there after... you should come out, it's sure to be amazing.